Monday, February 11, 2008

the love list

Since Valentines day is quickly approaching I thought I would make a list of the top ten things that I love.( cheesy, I know, but so is Valentines day!)

1. My wonderful husband, Jason. He is in no way romantic, and most of the time clueless (no offense honey) but he would do anything for me and the kids. He would sacrifice everything he had to provide for us, take care of us and keep us safe. He loves me with all his heart and I know that with out a doubt, not because he says it everyday, which he does, but because he shows me in everything he does. I love him more and more, every day of every year, that we are married. I wish everyone could be as lucky as I am.

2. My beautiful kids, Bennett, Isabel, Evan, Will, and Lillia. You know love is a funny thing. Sometimes it takes years for love to grow between people, for some weeks, or even days, But for me the second I laid eyes on my children, and held them in my arms, I felt as if my heart would burst. My heart was in that moment and every moment since, full of love for them. Every day they do something, say something that makes me smile. They fill my day with sunshine and laughter and I thank my heavenly father for giving them to me.

3.My Mom. She has taught me how to be a woman, a wife, a mother, and a good person. She is by far the best person I know. She has dealt with everything that life has thrown at her with grace, even in her darkest hours. Really, how many women do you know that have seven kids in seven years, and you can't remember a time when she wasn't smiling. Even now as she battles with cancer, she is as cheerful as ever. I am so thankful to have her as an example, a role model, a mother and a friend.

4. My Dad. The big goofball. He has given me my creative side, my love for baking, for Halloween, for a good book or a good movie. He is generous beyond his means, and is always thinking of ways to help others. I love to watch him with his grand kids, each one of them thinks that Grandpa loves them the best! I love to hear him tell a story, he has the best imagination and can capture the interest of even the youngest child in the room. We have had our rough patches from time to time, but he forgives me my flaws and I forgive him his. I will always love my Dad.

5.My Siblings. Liberty, Zac, Robyn, Pip, Mac, and Charlie. Growing up with all of them was never dull. Some of my best memories are with them. It has been fun watching as our relationships have changed, from the big brother who picked on me, or the sister I always fought with, to my very best friends. I cherish each one of them, and their special qualities that they each bring to this family. Some of them have gotten married, and started families of their own, and I love their spouses ( Lope, Candi and Kelli ) as if they were my own brother and sisters, and I love their kids ( Eden, Clara, Jeanette, and Eleanor and Liam and Aidan) as if they were my kids.

6. My In-laws. I hate that word ( I know this is a love list and I shouldn't use the word hate, but I do ) The reason is, I have an amazing extended family. Jason's parents and brothers and sisters, are the coolest. I think of them as my own. Not as the "dreaded in-laws". Not only that, but their families are awesome as well. I love getting together with them, and just sitting back and listening to all the great stories. (especially from Johnny) I just laugh and laugh. I know I have said this before, but I am really lucky to have married into such a great family.

7.My Father in heaven and my savior, Jesus Christ. I don't mean to get all heavy here, but I couldn't have a love list without them in it. They have given me everything I have, my life is filled with blessings from them, and I wouldn't be where I am in life without their love, and without the gospel. I feel their love in my children's eyes, and in the beauty of the world around me. I see it in a strangers kindness, and in my moms embrace, and I know that they want the best for me. I feel it when I read the scriptures and when I say my prayers, and I am very thankful.

8. O.k., on a lighter note. I love to create things. This may sound a little strange, but let me explain. I love to make something from nothing, whether it is sewing baby slings or Halloween costumes, to baking cookies and cheesecake. Art projects with my kids and flowers in my garden.This blog even. It really could be anything, I have a creative streak in me and I like to put it to use.

9. Running. I know a lot of people do not like to run, but I really think it's because they haven't given it a chance. It is hard for me to run if I haven't done it in a while, but once I get the hang of it again, I can't get enough. I love the fact that I can get my aggressions out on the pavement, and as I run, I get a kind of clarity, that I only get when I run. It is almost like I am making peace with everything or everyone that I am mad at, and pretty soon it all seems o.k. I also notice things when I run, things that I don't notice when I'm driving by in a car. I live in such a beautiful area, and when I run I see more of it. I have seen all kinds of wild life on my runs, waterfalls and mountains, to beautiful fields of wheat and corn. It's a time when I can relax and feel peace. I know that probably sounds strange, but it's true. Plus I get in really good shape when I run, and who doesn't love that!

10. Last, but not least, the sun. Is it just me or has anyone else, after a long winter, just felt depressed? After long months of snow and cold, when the sun finally comes out and I feel the warmth of the sun on my face, I can't help but to smile. It is such a simple thing, and yet I love it.

Well that is my list, I know there are many more things that I love and could put down here, but i think I have rambled on long enough.


Jake and Megan said...

Good idea! I am glad Jason made #1!! Jake said I would have put my cell phone #1

Jess said...

I liked this Gini! We kind of like you too! ;)

Emily said...

That was a great list. I could just copy & paste it for my own. Of course I would have to add my own names - I love your kids & husband & your family seems great, but that would be a little weird you know. Ava has totally been making so many facial expressions that look exactly like Isabel. The first time she did it Jed & I both looked at each other at the same time & said "Did you see that?!" We think Isabel is darling, so it is fine by us!

Coleen said...

Thanks so much Gini for your beautiful thoughts. I appreciated hearing your expressions of love. It reminds me of all the things I love - all the wonderful blessings that are mine. It is such a joy to see your love and care for the beautiful grandchildren you and Jason have brought into our lives!