Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holy Crap!

Last night (yes, Lillia takes an early evening nap) I went into Lillia's room to get her up from a nap. The moment I entered the room I knew what had happened. The smell was the first give away. It was bad, no it was worse than bad. It was paint peeling off the walls bad, but that was not the worse part. What I saw, that was even worse. There in the middle of it all, and covered in in all, is my sweet little baby girl. Who knew something so sweet and small could make something so nasty and big! Lillia had woken up from her nap and decided it was time for a diaper change, which it was apparently, because the diaper was full. It looked as if (I can't be sure of exactly what went down in that room) she had begun to play with her leftovers when she decided it was time to deliver more leftovers. So she walked to the corner of her crib, not before walking through the other mess and leaving footprints the whole way, and left a pile there and then walked to the opposite corner and left another pile there. After she was good and finished she began to make "mud pies" is the best way I can describe it, and she made mud pies everywhere!! On the blankets, on the bars, on the sheets, on the walls, on her clothes, in her hair and I do believe she was even taste testing her lovely pies as well. OH MY GOODNESS!!! It was disgusting!!! I had not planned on spending my evening sanitizing the crib, but I guess that's what happens when you have children. Things don't always go according to plan.
Jason is out of town this week and has the laptop so you are in luck. I cannot post pictures on this old dinosaur of a computer. So your stomach is safe, at least this time! That is also why I have been slacking on my blog the last two weeks. It's not as much fun to blog without pictures.


Christine and Ronnie Brown said...

I'm so glad it was you and not me! Sounds like it was fire-hose time.
Did you scream?

Brittany said...


I am SOOOOOO glad you didn't post pictures, some things are just better left to the imagination. ha ha ha ha ha I'm dying here. Sounds like a fun evening.

lydia moyer said...

if that happened to me i would throw everything away( maybe even the crib!) that is so gross!!!!! and of course it happens when your by yourself...doesn't everything!
now that i've said how gross that is it will probably happen to me!

tiarastantrums said...

I have YET to have this delightful experience with poop!

Tara said...

yes, holy crap it is! even as gross as it probably was, i'm glad lillia thought she had created a masterpiece for her art project:) at that point i throw everything in the garbage and walk away, just walk away...ew!!! let's get together over t-giving?!? good movies coming out!!

Yumi said...

I had to just laugh...and thank my lucky stars it wasn't ME!
So sorry--I've had to sanitize bathtubs, carseats, even the carpet now and again...but never a crib. Ohhh, knock on wood!
Thanks for sparing us the visual...and really, couldn't stop laughing out loud at the title of the post. Holy crap, indeed!

Kathryn said...

I am almost gagging right now. The thing is that every mother reading your blog can relate atleast a little. I am sorry!

Stacy Stoddard said...

I am so sorry. That is so disgusting. I hope you never have to clean that mess again

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

For once I'm glad you weren't able to post pics. So sorry you had to clean up that mess, it sounded absolutely awful!!

Emily said...

haha. That is hilarious because it didn't happen to me! I've had a similiar situation when Ava was little, but nothing compared to Lillia's adventure. I'm glad you didn't have a camera - you would probably have heard Jed dry-heaving from Chicago. :)Can't wait to see you guys - Ava talks about it everyday.

Jake and Megan said...

OHHHH my goodness! I just threw up in my mouth. I am so glad there was no pics! I have done the diaper off, poop playing/eating with both Jace & McKenna(mckenna has done like 3 time)! When Jace did, I almosted called 911 because I didn't know what to do. I was soooooo grossed out!

moma berry said...

i was hungry

Stefanie said...

Hey Gini, I just found your blog thought I'd say hi and I would have cried if I found one of my children like that but I have to say I laughed so hard reading about it.

CynthiaK said...

Oh, that is brilliant. I can totally visualize it from your post! I, too, have had a few 'adventures' of the poopy sort in the last few months with my middle son. Yargers! Not fun!

Five kids, too. You are a superwoman!