Thursday, January 24, 2008

Baptised already?

Isabel had her baptism preview tonight. I am in shock that she gets baptised this year! She seems really mature sometimes and I wonder how she can be only seven, but tonight I just wanted to cry. Thinking that my "baby girl" is old enough to make this big step! I thought that I had done a good job teaching her everything she needs to know to get baptised, but tonight made me wonder. I want her to be ready, to be sure that she knows that this is the right thing to do, and not just because Mom and Dad want her to. She got up in front of everyone and sang the baptism song tonight, with all the kids in our stake that are getting baptised this year. I was in tears, not because I'm sad, but because I know it is the right thing for her, the spirit was really strong. We are going to have a family home evening once a month about baptism and what it means, to help her (and me) be ready. Megan, you guys are welcome to join us. I think that Jace is the next one in the family to take the plunge. Maybe I should just relax a little,we still have until October! :)


Jess said...

It was good seeing you guys too, it always seems that when I visit there just isn't enough time to spend quality time with everyone. Isabel is definitely going to be ready to get baptized. Don't be too sad, just try and enjoy! Before you know it she'll be living in California, being a bump like me. :)

Jake and Megan said...

We would love to join you for FHE! We were suppose to be doing all along, but life gets so busy! So lets make it happen! Isabel is such a good girl! She is so ready! I am sure all moms feel the same way, wondering if you have done good enough! I think after they get baptized is when you really- have to teach them.