Thursday, January 17, 2008

Erickson Christmas party

On the 26th we had our Erickson Christmas party. It is always crazy when we all get together. Jason has a huge family, if I counted right there were 43 people all together. We had a big dinner and opened gifts and we worked on making humanitarian kits. It was really cool to see everyone and share this special day. The kids had such a blast! They love to get together with all their cousins. Grandma and Grandpa Erickson have so many grand kids, I sometimes wonder how they keep them all straight! Jason really has an awesome family, I don't think there are to many families this size that can get together and not have at least one fight or disagreement, but this family can. They really do all care and love each other and want the best for each other. I think they are all remarkable, and I am really lucky to have married into such a wonderful family.


Jake and Megan said...

We did have a fun Christmas! We always have fun with everyone. So true about all the Erickson Clan-it so nice to have such unconditional love.