Grandma and Grandpa Brown live on a golf course that has these great hills for sledding. The kids had so much fun, going out almost every day and sledding. We had a few crashes, but it just made the kids laugh. The hills were safe, not like the one at their last house when Bennett broke his arm! The only problem was Grandpa only had two sleds, so we bought a few more. We bought one really nice one and another little cheap sled. Wouldn't you know it, the cheap one was the best sled. The fastest one out of all of them. Since we have been home, the sleds have been put to good use. Jason takes the kids on rides behind the horse, it is pretty funny to watch.
At home with the Ericksons, Jason and I were married in December 1996. Since then we have had five beautiful kids, Bennett(10), Isabel(8), Evan(6), William(4), and Lillia(19mo.).
how fun. you look so pretty in the picture with Will by the way.
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