Tuesday, January 29, 2008

She finally lost one!

Yesterday Isabel came home from school so hungry!! I asked if she had eaten her lunch at school, she said "my tooth hurt sooo bad, I couldn't take any bites." After she ate, she came up to me and asked if I would take out her tooth. I was pretty surprised because of the fit she threw when I tried to wiggle it the day before. All I had to do was give it a tiny tug and out it came! She was so excited, She said,"eating hurt more that that did!" It was really funny. The tooth fairy came last night and left money for both her and Evan (the tooth fairy must have been busy the night Evan lost his!) they were very happy this morning. I'm sure Miss Isabel will be losing another tooth soon, she has two more that are loose. Will is a little jealous, all day he was asking me to pull out his tooth! We get such a kick out of that kid!


Colby and Steph Stringham said...

Thank you for your comment! Yes, he was an amazing person and example! You have beautiful kids! Are you guys from Idaho?!

Jake and Megan said...
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Jake and Megan said...

wow! congrats! Jace lost one of his last tuesday. Now he has lost 6 teeth.

Tiff and Dave said...

Congrats Isabel! Gini, she seriously looks like you! She is darling!

Tara said...

That's funny she just barely lost her first tooth! Your kids are too cute, they each have their own look but still look like they belong together! I added you on my link list if that's ok, let me know if you'd rather not be listed I understand. Keep in touch!

Unknown said...

she looks so grown up!

clara and jeanette.