Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas from my little elves!

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It's a wonderful life

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Letters from Isabel

Jason and I went out to dinner last night. When we got home we found a letter and a painting on the table for both of us from Isabel. They were so sweet I thought I'd share:

Thank you for all of the food you buy for us. Thank you for being such a good Mom. Thank you for being there for me. I love you so much. I act like a brat sometimes. But I really love you so much. I don't ever want you to leave me. I love you!
Isabel Erickson

Thank you for letting me ride horses. Why did you sell Izzy? You sometimes be mean, it is part of your job I guess. Sometimes you be very nice, Bennett never be's nice like you. I love you. I hope you can be my Dad forever.
Love, Isabel Erickson

It was a fun treat to find these letter from Isabel. Maybe I need to work on her insecurities a little. Let her know that Jason and I will never leave her! Goodness I had no idea she was so worried about that.

Lillia's first hair cut

Lillia had her hair cut on Friday. She did so well! I was pleasantly surprised. She just sat there with her chin down holding very still. It only took Michelle (my hair dresser) about five minutes to get it all cut and looking so cute! I guess it helps that I blow dry her hair with the round brush about every other day! She is use to this kind of treatment. She has a cute little A-line cut that shapes her face and hopefully will help her hair be fuller as it grows in. What a doll!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Big Problem, a story by Bennett Erickson

Once I had a big problem on my hands. And yes, I know you want to find out what the problem is but you will have to wait and see.
I was buying a lot of stuff and it was 1934. I was very, very poor and I had spent all of my money. Once I found out I said “Ooooooooooooooohhh that’s great!” I went to my room and sat on my bed and I thought and thought and thought until I knew what I was going to do. “Aha!” I yelled as I ran out the door and to the library.
I had a great idea, and I just need a little help getting started. I looked up robots. “Ro-songs…..,ro-books….,row, row, row your boat…., ro-bots….., that’s weird row, row, row your boat, I like that song, but back to business. Robots, where is it, aha, here it is.” “How to make Robots,” I said.
Two days later, and five boxes of band aids, making robots is hard on your hands! I was done with five human helping robots, and the sixth one was being tested. “It’s alive!!! It’s alive!!! Or we are having an earthquake….. No, no, no, he is alive!”
The next day I went to the State Fair to sell them. I sold them for $200.00 each. I know, I know $200.00 each isn’t very much for human helping robots, but remember this is 1934. That was a lot of money back then. It is like $1000.00 today.
“Somebody is coming to buy one, or complain about one. Hello Miss, would you be interested in any human helping robots?” I said.
“Yes, I would,” she whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” I asked.
“My husband is right there,” she pointed to her left. “The robot is a gift for his birthday.”She pays for the robot and leaves.
“One down, five to go.” I said. After I sold all 6 of the robots I had $1200.00 and I started to head home.
Once I arrived home I had another problem, it wasn’t that I was so tired from walking home because I didn’t have a car, but it was that the bank was foreclosing on my house!
I paid the bank $200.00, but the bank said that the “Great Depression” had started. Then I fainted.

Arrow of Light

Bennett is passing all of his milestones to becoming a young man. Last night was another one, his Arrow of Light. For those of you who don't know, the Arrow of Light is the highest honor a cub scout can earn. Bennett has been working on it for almost a year now and has put a lot of work into it. I am really proud of him and all that he has accomplished.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Big Truck?

WARNING: The following video has been rated R due to very strong language. Anyone under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian to view. :) You have been warned.

Seriously what are they teaching this poor kid!! The worst part, was the rest of the day, Robyn and I were following him around asking, "Hey Aidan, What do you have in your garage?" I know we're terrible!! I'm just trying to get Charlie back for doing that to Bennett when he was that age. Okay, so that's not entirely true. It was just so dang funny I couldn't help myself!


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Bozeman with my family this year. It was a full house with only one of my siblings missing, Mac and his beautiful wife Kelly. (we missed you two!!) Mac works in retail and there was no way he could get off black Friday! ( I am so glad Jason doesn't do that anymore!) While most of us were gone to Charlie and Candi's to watch the game Robyn stayed behind with the kids to make the turkey and feather decorations so we could all think about things we were grateful for this year. Each one of us had a feather with our name on it across our plate and we were to write something we were thankful for and then put it on the turkey the kids made. Here are a few things that we are Thankful for.

Kids, Candi just found out she is going to have her third baby this summer!! That is # 12 for Grandma and Grandpa!

Health, Mom just finished up with her chemo treatments in October. Hopefully that will be the end to the cancer nightmare!

I have also been migraine free for almost a year now! Before that I was having two-three a week so I am very thankful to have them under control.

My Brother Liberty, to have him living close to me. To have him know my kids and get to share my life with him has been so much fun for me. Seriously, look at how much Lillia loves him!

Jason. A husband and a father who loves and takes cares of us. Who puts us first and who would do anything to make sure we were safe and taken care of.

We really have been blessed this year and have so much to be thankful for. These were just a few that I had pictures to go along with from the day. Other things that people put on their feathers were, my dog, scriptures, the atonement, my toys, fast feet, school, books, vampires (I swear it wasn't me!) west coast offense (back to the bad game, or good depending on who you were cheering for) the priesthood, etc. It really was a wonderful day and so much wonderful food! Happy Thanksgiving!

Traitor (I admit it, I am)

So I guess I am now officially a traitor. You see I grew up in Seattle rooting for the Seattle Seahawks, but I married a Dallas Cowboys fan. Over the years I have slowly become a Cowboys fan, but have always still rooted for the Seahawks when they played the Cowboys. Now that my son is old enough to understand and love football it has been harder for me to stick to my guns about the Seahawks. You see, he is also a Cowboys fan and week after week watching the games with my two guys, well their enthusiasm is infectious. On Thanksgiving the Cowboys played the Seahawks. I was torn! Not only was I going to be watching the game with my two guys, but with most of my brothers as well! (all of which are die hard Seahawk fans) I knew this would be the test to see which team I was more a fan of. I did find myself cheering for the Cowboys from the very first play of the game. Although I don't think anyone would blame me since the Seahawks didn't even show up to play. It was a sad, sad day for Seattle. Bennett had bet Liberty and My Dad on the outcome of the game and now they both owe him a milkshake. I have never seen Bennett talk so much smack. It was really funny! I was a little worried about the game getting a little heated with both teams fans being in close proximity to each other (anyone who knows my brothers knows their tempers well!) but like I said earlier, it wasn't much of a game so I didn't have to worry.