Saturday, March 22, 2008

A day with an apostle

Jason And I were given tickets to a special meeting to dedicate the newly remodeled Idaho Falls Visitors Center, where Elder L. Tom Perry would be speaking. We were very excited at this opportunity to hear an apostle speak in person. We were asked to attend a temple session before the meeting and to also to tour the visitors center. So we did, the new visitors center is really beautiful. (Jason was especially impressed with the big flat screen t.v.'s) I had actually never been in the visitors center before, so I can't really talk about what improvements were made, but it really is a lovely place. We are going to take the kids on Monday for fhe. At the meeting there were three talks, first was the mission president for the Pocatello- Idaho Falls area, President Sommers, The Temple president, President Groberg, and Elder Perry. They were all wonderful talks, and were mostly about missionary work. Elder Perry has quite the sense of humor, he was talking about the importance of a ward mission leader (Jason's calling) and said if he were to organize a new ward, he would first select the most spiritual of the ward and make him the ward bishop. Next would be the ward clerk, "because we need to keep records of all this stuff." Then third he would choose the ward mission leader. He said "I would not pick an attorney for this job,(everyone was laughing so I missed the explanation for this) and I would not pick a doctor either, they would cut every thing up and leave it a mess, I would choose a starving insurance salesman for the job, they have the drive needed for this position." Jason and I got quite a laugh out of this, because although he is not an insurance salesman, he is and has been a salesman all of our marriage. So I guess our bishop got it right when he called Jason to this position. I was really surprised how many people were there. Only the stake president, the bishop,the stake high counselor, the ward mission leader and stake relief society president and all their spouses were invited for each stake, the entire stake center was full! The chapel, the over flow, the gym, and the stage, they even had broadcast it in all the classrooms, and they were full! So they broadcast it to another stake center two blocks away to help with the over flow! I guess I didn't realize how big our area is! The entire day was wonderful!!


Trena said...

GREAT experience for you guys!! He is an amazingly TALL and broad-shouldered man, hu? I'm glad you got to see/hear him in person; it's a great memory to have as well.


Yumi said...

Happy Easter!
Sounds like a great experience! We just had our Stake Conference last week and Elder Cook (the newest Apostle) came and spoke. It was excellent! We didn't get a private meeting, but it was still nice to have someone so close to the Prophet come and speak to us. Although President Monson spoke at my Graduation (BYU-Hawaii) 5 years ago and that was incredible.
Hope you guys had a Great Easter weekend!

Emily said...

That's really cool! I love the comment about the "perfect ward missionary leader" - sounds like your bishop is on top of things!