Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I think Will has been watching me a little to closely! I found him in the bathroom, up on the counter with my tweezers. I asked him what he was doing he said, "I'm trying to get all these widdle hairs!" Through my laughing I asked where He had seen this, and he replied, "I watch you Mom." Maybe he needs to spend a little more time with Dad! You can't tell from the picture, but his poor face was bright red where he had been plucking!


jenn w said...

FYI Gin,

When you start em young like that, by the time you are 25 your eyebrows dont grow in anymore.... (case in point-me:) I started at 12!

Emily said...

That is the funniest thing ever! What a cute kid.

Jake and Megan said...

Will is so funny! It is good and scary what they learn from us.

Yumi said...

Hey Gini, about the movie. I've been really good about not watching "r"'s but this one was too tempting for me. For one, I love these kind of love stories, and two, I love James McAvoy. I don't know why-for some reason, he intrigues me. I won't recommend it to you 'cause it's "r", but I decided to read the book...and then felt like I HAD to see the movie. Terrible, I know. I'm a bad influence.
And about the collages, I can't take credit-Rachel told me about Photoscape-you can download the program and create collages in a snap. It's great for blogging.
Sorry to hear about the snow...hope the sun shines through soon! :)

Yumi said...

Oh, and about your son copying funny. I'm beginning to learn this lesson the hard way. I'll often catch my 3 year old "scolding" Anna the way I scold her sometimes. Or, I have this habit of picking things up with my toes ('cause I'm lazy and don't want to bend down all the time!)...Kela has excellent dexterity in her toes & I'll catch her doing the same thing. It's such an eye-opener! I'm like, do I really sound like that? Is that what I do? Kids are too dang smart for their own good!