Monday, March 10, 2008

Moab race

Saturday march 8th, was the Moab 5 mile and 1/2 marathon race. Jason, Lillia and I went down to Moab on Friday morning, dropping off the other kids in SLC with Trena and my parents who were staying at my grandma's. The course for the race is really cool. It starts up the canyon by the river and finishes in town at the city park. The thing I didn't like was the course is pretty much closed to spectators until you get into town for the last two miles. So Jason was wondering what he would do while I was running. I told him just to stay at the park and to look for me at the finish around 10:00. So as I came into the finish I was expecting to hear him cheering for me, but no Jason. So I thought I would see him as I walked through the winding finish area, but no Jason. So I got some fruit and bread and ate it thinking Jason would find me at the finish area, but no Jason. So I went over to the area where they put your sweats,( you take them off at the start and they drive them down to the finish line for you to pick up) got dressed and still no Jason. I was starting to get a little mad now because it had been about 15 min. Just about then I saw Jason and Lillia walking by the finish line. When he saw me I could tell that he felt bad, he had decided that he would drive up the canyon to see if he could watch some of the race, but they had all the roads closed (like I told him they would be) and than he got stuck in traffic and couldn't turn around and ended up missing the whole thing!! So I don't have any pictures of me running and he made me pose in front of the finish so that he could get at least one picture.
I was also really embarrassed later when I realized that I had run the whole thing with my shirt on backwards!! I had to get up really early that morning because we were staying about 35 min. out of Moab and I have to eat at least 2 hours before I run. So when I woke up and got dressed I was still half asleep, and ended up putting my shirt on backwards. I thought it felt kinda funny but never put two and two together until I took a shower later and saw myself in the mirror. I know, I'm such a nerd!
I ended up running the five mile instead of the 1/2 marathon like I had planned. I only started running again in January, and I wasn't ready for the half. I did o.k., not as well as I had hoped, but like I said I have only been running for a month and a half so I shouldn't be to hard on myself. I ended up 34th out of 100 in my age group and was 324th out of about 5000 runners overall, and I averaged a 9 min. mile. I am planning on signing up for the other half in October, so if anyone wants to run it with me let me know. The whole time I kept thinking, this would be so much fun to do with someone else. I did have a lot of fun and I am looking forward to my next race.


Tara said...

Way to go Gini! Let Jason know he's not the only husband who tried to find a spot to watch his wife and ended up missing the whole race, Cole can chalk one up with him:) Good job on your run, even with your shirt on backwards! You never know, maybe that can be your good luck charm! Are you planning on doing Teton Dam 1/2 in June? I'm signed up for Provo's in April, Ogden's in May and then Teton Dam. Sign up for Idaho- it's always much more fun to run with someone else! Oh, and I loved that poem your sister wrote for you, so sweet:)

Emily said...

I still think a nine minute mile after only 1.5 months of running is awesome! The whole story with Jason totally cracks me up. I can picture the whole thing including Jason's face & hear him explain the whole thing. "Frickin this Frickin that"...Jed & Jason tell stories & talk the exact same when they are frustrated. It makes me laugh. Anyways, I'm really jealous that you are back to running even with your shirt on backwards - hey at least you had it on! It would be way more embarassing if you forgot it altogether. You look so great in your picture not even winded too

Jake and Megan said...

Good Job Gini! I can just see Jason trying to get the race. I think all the Erickson brothers are alot alike. said...

Congrats on the race. That still cracks me up about Jason!