Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our little gymnast

Isabel has been taking gymnastics for quite a while now. She is getting really good, and can now do a back handspring on the trampoline by herself, but is still a little nervous to do one on the mat with out a spotter there to catch her, just in case she falls. Her coach says she is ready to do it, and barely touches her when she is spotting her. But Isabel is still to afraid. Hopefully she will have enough self confidence soon. We are going to Utah on Friday to a U of U gymnastics meet. Isabel is really excited to see the gymnasts compete. She has never competed before, and the competitor in her is really excited to start. I don't think she is quite ready for that just yet, but soon.

After our crazy schedule last summer with three kids playing baseball and soccer, and me coaching two soccer teams with Lillia in tow, we told the kids they would each have to just choose one sport this summer. Isabel was devastated!!! She cried and cried and just could not decide which sport was her favorite. She even started having nightmares about it! So I gave in, and told them they could play both. So I guess it will be another crazy summer! I can hardly wait until next summer when Will is old enough to play also! (can you hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice?):) I really try not to over schedule my kids, but now Isabel has gym, piano, and soon baseball, and soccer will over lap for a week or so!! She is definatly our little athlete. The boys enjoy it, but don't really care about the compitition. Isabel wants to get down and dirty!!! She gets that from her Dad!!(that is not at all on the Browns side!)


Jake and Megan said...

Wow Isabel. That is good. Did you learn those moves from your dad? I would always catch your dad trying to do back hand springs and other very awkward looking moves out in the back yard. My only issue with that is that he was dressed up in a man-leotard. He had his boom box turned up as loud as it would go listening to Poison "talk dirty to me." The combination of the leotard, the mullet, and the mexi-stache has scarred me for life.

Keep up the great work Isabel.


Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Wow, that's pretty impressive! Gini, sounds like you are one busy mom. Kind of glad I have a few more years and kids to go before the taxi cab driving days.

Gini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gini said...

Oh Jake, I think you are just getting tired of being teased about being a cheerleader in high school! Don't feel to bad, I'm sure you were a pretty cheerleader.

Yumi said...

You're quite the chauffer! My sister has 5 kids and she has people helping her hauling her kids to soccer, piano, etc all the time. I'm glad I have a few more years till that mayhem begins--And your daughter is impressive! I always wanted to do gymnastics, but was never athletic growing up...(if you don't count jumping rope during recess =) )
Hey, do you still run? That's actually the only thing I took up. I know you used to run a lot in HS. I dropped out of cross country (Rachel shame!), but took it up in college. I've actually ran 2 marathons.
Oh, and I'd love a sling! :) I always meant to get one with my first two, but just stuck with the baby bjorns...I heard they're great. Do you have a website or do you sell on ebay? Just wondering. I don't think my sewing would pass off as "sellable"
It's sort of just a hobby.
And finally, to answer your question, Atau has 3 boys & one more (boy) on the way. If you look at my blog, the last post for Spring Break and the kiddies eating shave ice...the three boys are Atau's. Don't they look just like him? His wife and I are due one month apart.

Emily said...

Good job Isabel! Those backhandsprings are awesome! You will be a great gymnast.

Jake and Megan said...

I am sorry Jake has figured out how to leave comments! He loves anytime he can make fun of his brothers. I think that is how he shows he loves them. Isabel you are amazing! Hope you and your mom have fun!

Mrs. James Quigley said...

Gini- Your family is beautiful! You are look the EXACT same. How do you do it? My little girl is actually my niece. Leah is Natalie's daughter, the only grandbaby. We love her!!! There is a link to Jacob's blog from mine. Check it out. What about Robyn. Does she have a blog? It has been fun finding people from the old stake through this blog thing. I love it. Take care.

Jess said...

If Jason wasn't such an easy target! After that mexi-stache, there is no hope for him! hehe!!

Glad Isabel is so talented! It is lonely being the only one, welcome to the club!

Unknown said...

Holy crow, Isabel! That's impressive. I always wished I could do that. I was the awkward cheerleader. Thank goodness for low standards. Just kidding. Seriously Gin, the Browns don't get down and dirty? Was that sarcasm? Lope always says there should be a punctuation mark for that. You're such a fun and devoted mom-- it's awesome.

Gini said...

YES!!! That was sarcasm! I totally agree with Lope, there should be a punctuation for that. I'm always afraid when I leave comments that people won't get that I am being sarcastic. Lope is soooo right.(you can tell him I said that, if he is anything like Jason, he'll get a smile out of that.)

Tiff and Dave said...

I just got caught up on your blog! That is awesome that Isabel is doing back handsprings. Sounds like she is going to be a great little gymnast. It also sounds like she is quite the little athlete! She sure is a cute "minny Gini". I loved all the easter pictures and was cracking up about your tweezer post! Chris gets home from his mission next week, so we will see you guys at church!

Anonymous said...

everyone else has the coolest blogs. i suck at it. i never know what to write and then it takes me weeks and weeks to update. i do love it though. it doesnt feel like we are all on different parts of this world. it brings us a little closer together.
i know haw you feel about the sports. when you have such a big family you have to put a limit on things your kids do. we are probably going to have to make our kids choose 1 or two sports also. as long as they choose soccer as one of them i'm good. i love to watch allen play soccer i imagine that its what jason must have been like. except allen is a really good sport where as ive heard that jason wasn't so much.
it is so unfair how skinny you look for having your 5th. i have a long way to go but i am starting to run again now that the sun has come out so hopefully it wont take long.
i will try to update my blog soon.
yours is so cute!!

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

So, I just read this again. Were you in SLC this weekend? You should get our number from Mac and give us a ring or stop by on one of your excursion down here. We would love to see you!