Monday, June 9, 2008

R.I.P Blossom

Well I figured it was going to happen soon or later, but I really didn't think it would happen this soon. Blossom was killed last night. We got home from the dentist and the kids ran out to the barn to check on the cats, Isabel comes running into the house screaming and crying that Blossom was dead. This brought back terrible memories about the bunnies that we bought last year. They were out in the barn and it was Isabel's job to feed them. When she got home from school she ran out to check on them, and she came running back to the house screaming saying,"Mom, the bunnies are gone, there is nothing left but fur and blood!" Something (I don't know what kind of animals does that) came into the barn and skinned and ate the rabbits. Well I was really hoping not to find that kind of scene when I got to the barn, and thankfully no. Just a dead kitten (I think it had been dead for a long time since it was rock hard) it had four bite marks on the back of the neck and it was a little bloody, but that's all. There was also a tiny little bird with a broken wing in with the cats, and the kids thought the bird killed poor Blossom. I know it's not funny, and shame on me for this, but I had such a hard time not laughing at them. We buried blossom under a tree, and we all said a few words about what a special cat she was.(we have had her for three days!) Isabel cried forever, and even now hours later if you mention the cats she will start again. All the kids think that we should give Felix back to the family that we got him from. They have decided it would be better if he lived there, since it is just not safe for small animals out here. (We'll see if they will take him back or not, they seemed pretty happy to have gotten rid of them) I feel really bad for poor Isabel, her heart is just breaking. I thought I would spare her feelings and not take a picture of Blossom to post. (I'm sure some of you are happy about that as well.) I guess we are just not meant to have cats around here.


Yumi said...

How terrible is that? My sister's dog died last year-I found her. Sparing you the details, it's just horrible to find a pet like that! I still cry when I think about her, and she wasn't even mine! That's why we can't have pets. I get way to emotional. Hope your Isabel recovers. What did it anyway? I guess when you live in the country, it could seriously be any wild animal...

tiarastantrums said...

oh your poor daughter! This is so sad for her little heart! Darn these life lessons!

Ryan and Adrienne Johnson said...


I'm so sorry your kitty died. That must be really sad for you. I'm doing good in California. It takes a long time to unpack and get settled in to a new place. I miss Idaho and especially Jefferson Elementary. Have a fun summer!
Mrs. Johnson

Tara said...

So sad Isabel had to find little Blossom! I wonder what animal is attacking your small ones, poor little things! Thanks for posting the good idea with making kids think they're magic, I'll try it next time at work:)