Thursday, April 17, 2008

my little runaway

Bennett had a really difficult day today. He was a little off when he came home from school, but he said everything was o.k. He even got all his work finished at school, which doesn't happen very often. We were in the middle of cleaning the house when he got home so I gave him a list of his chores and he got to work. A little later I found him screaming at Isabel. Apparently they had different cleaning strategies and so I split them up by giving them jobs in separate rooms. I thought things were o.k. and then a little later Isabel was crying and Bennett was screaming again. Come to find out, Isabel was putting a toy away and had to walk by where Bennett was cleaning. Bennett didn't want Isabel in the same space and threw a hat at her, which hit her in the eye. Instead of apologizing he started screaming at her, telling her to get out and not to come back. I was really angry and told him, yelled at him, to knock it off, and to control his temper! While I was mad, I was screaming at him to control his temper! (quick someone sign me up for mother of the year!) A little later, Bennett finished his chores, so I said he could go out and play ball with his Dad. I was finishing up with the laundry, and having the kids put their clothes away. I called outside for Bennett and didn't see him, so I asked Jason to check upstairs in his room. Bennett wasn't there, so Jason went outside to look around while I checked the rest of the house. For some reason my kids think it is funny to hide in closets and under beds while I'm looking for them, so I was searching the house. Still no Bennett, I got this feeling that He had run away. He has never does this before, but I really felt that I needed to drive around and look for him. I quickly headed out the door, and went to the school first, thinking that he would go somewhere familiar, but no luck. I thought, maybe he went to his grandparents house, so I headed that way. About two miles down the road, I see Bennett walking on the side of the road. He has his back pack on, stuffed full, with his hockey stick poking out. I pull up along side of him and ask where he is going, he says "I don't know." I open the door and tell him to get in, trying really hard not to get mad, but the thought of all the bad things that could have happened to him start racing through my mind, and through my tears, started asking what he was thinking, where was he going, where did he think he would eat dinner and sleep. Then I saw my purse on the car seat, opened with my wallet out and opened. So I ask, "Bennett, did you take my money?" He shakes his head yes, and says "I thought I would need some for food." I was so angry by this point I thought I had better not say anything else, until I calmed down. We got home and Jason took him out and had a talk, then they headed to baseball. When they got home Bennett said he was sorry, and that he was mad because he felt like no one in his family loves or cares about him. We had a long talk, and I told him how much we all love him, that it is o.k. to get mad, but not o.k. to take it out on the people around him. I hope it sunk in, but I am really worried about him. He is at a really hard age, he is no longer a little kid, but still not a teen, and is feeling lost. I tried to explain to him about puberty, and that he would sometimes fell sad or angry because of the chemical changes in his body, and that it's o.k. to feel this way. That it's normal, but it is not o.k. to act out in these ways. That he can always talk to me about anything, and I will always be there for him. I don't know if it helped. I can remember trying to run away when I was little, and I think I turned out o.k. Maybe I am making to much of this. It just really freaked me out. Does anyone have any advice on ten year old's? I need help!


Yumi said...

Hey Gini,
My oldest nephew just turned 11, and I think he sometimes feels like your son. Maybe not so much from the family, but more so from his peers at school and such. His dad ( my bro in law) is a talker--always talking about feelings and wanting to talk things out and I think it helps Jonas (my nephew) get out the frustrations he has. It's hard with boys, because they like to bottle things up until it explodes, but I think this has helped my nephew understand more of the emotions and feelings and frustrations that come with growing up. I've seen Jonas grow up and he's a great kid. Even compared to the other kids in primary at church, he's grounded, he talks about his feelings and even though he sometimes gets frustrated and angry, he always knows that there are people around to explain things and help him get through. He is always asking questions-some that put us on the spot (like ?'s about puberty and such...some of his friends are already going through it and he's anticipating his, I guess!)
Anyway, I don't have any big kids yet, but I have basically been there for much of my sister's kids growing up and have seen the changes they've endured. Maybe this won't help much...but I think more than anything, kids need encouragement to talk things out. So they can understand what they're feeling. If "family talks" occur on a regular basis, and not just sporattically when someone has a problem, then they have that foundation for great communication! We (me and my fam) used to talk all the time-about random things, jokes, even gossip at times...but that brought our family close together so that when we did have issues, we could easily bring them up without it feeling "forced."
I'm sure you're a great MOM, Gini! And I'm in no position to offer advice, but just thought I'd share what I've seen and learned.
Good luck and so glad to see that you found him safe and sound!

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Sorry I can't be of much help, but just know that you are a great mom and I think that every kid has at least "runaway" thoughts if not acts. I think it's pretty normal. What Yumi said about open communtication is good too. My dad used to sit down with each kid individually and have little interviews every fast sunday. We would just talk about how school was going, how we were doing on our goals, things like that. But I think it's good to remember that kids personalities are all so very different; some will naturally be very open and others tend to hold things inside. But I would say that this incident seems very normal to me.

Stacy Stoddard said...

sounds like you did a pretty good job handling the situation. Just keep praying and you will be inspired in those difficult times.

Emily said...

That would have been so scary! When I told Jed he just started laughing & said that one time he & Jake ran away with packed suitcases & everything & no one came to look for them the whole day so finally they got hungry & went back inside & no one asked where they had been or anything! He said to tell Bennett at least his parents noticed he was gone! :) I asked him if it was before or after they burned the straw-stack down b/c if it was after I probably wouldn't have looked for them either. Anyways, it seems like you & Jason handled it very well. Where do kids get the idea of running away anyway? I remember running away once too & now that I think of it no one came to look for me either! Hmmm...the main point of this comment is that we are so glad that nothing happened to Bennett & please tell him that we would be very sad without him in the family!!!!! It can be tuff to be a kid (especially the oldest kid - I know from experience!) so give him a big hug from us & tell him we love him - and Ava especially would be so sad if he ever tried to runaway again.

lydia moyer said...

i know saying that he's normal helps and doesn't help. it's nice to know that other good kids act that way sometimes but it doesn't make your situation any better at the moment.we know we love our kids but when we are with the thought of losing them we know how important they are to us. one of the best parenting books i have read is called "Love and Logic" by jim fay check it out. another thing i always tell myself is the story about when President Monson was a little boy he used to make his primary teachers cry because he was such a handful.
your son knows now that you will be there for him, maybe next time he could leave you a note(ha ha).
i have a son who got sent to the priciples office because him and a buddy thought it would be funny to pee all over the boys bathroom. i think it would be funny to see him wear a diaper to school since he doesn't know how to use a toilet! He's 8!
your great, you did everything i have done and would do again.i think its important to for them to see our emotions, the fear and anger that we feelwhen they do certain things. they need to know how passionate we feel about certain things.i dont know about you but with 5 kids the dynamics change and the older kids have to step it up a little and they don't always like it but thats part of having a big family.

Leslie said...

It's a tought job being a mom. You're doing great! Sometimes kids just have to learn through their own experience even thouth it's harder on mom. That's when prayer comes to the rescue!